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                Dangshan County Shenghua Canned Food Co.,Ltd is located in Dangshan County,Anhui Province,China.Dangshan has the world’s largest continous fruit trees ,is  listed on  the Guinness Book of Record.

                Danghsna County Shenghua Canned Food Co.,Ltd was built in July 2003,registed 15 million CNY.The sanitary code for export is 3400/01063,the company can process 20,000 tons canned fruit and vegetables annually.Canned fruit include Strawberries,Apricots,Yellow peaches,Pears,Apples,Fruit Cocktails ,etc.Canned vegetables include mushrooms,Needle mushroom. 

                The company has already buit integration model: bases and farms and orders.our factory is the only one take part in SHANGHAI EXPO in North of Anhui Province.

                The factory has passed the ISO9001,ISO22000,HACCP,BRC,KOSHER,FDA etc.The products export to USA,Europe,South American,Afica,East South Asia,etc.

                A good beginning is half done,we welcome all the friends to our factory.

                OUR ADVANTAGES

                Be the best

                Material advantage

                The company is located in the Dangshan , the largest pear orchard in the world. The operation and development model of "company + base + farmers" has been implemented, and its own fruit and vegetable bases such as yellow peach, pear and mushroom.

                Production advantage

                The company covers an area of 24000 square meters, the total investment of 100 million yuan. There are four production lines of canned fruits and vegetables, and more than 4 tons of canned fruits and vegetables are processed in a year.

                Research advantages

                The company strictly controls the quality of products, and has successively declared and obtained the US FDA registration certification, the British BRC certification, ISO9001 certification, ISO22000 certification and HACCP quality system certification, and Israel KOSHER (halal) certification.

                Export advantage

                The company has the right to export itself, which is mainly sold to Europe, America, Australia, Japan, South Korea and more than 20 provinces and cities in China. It is the only one of the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Suzhou.

                Copyright ©Dangshan Shenghua Canned Food Co.,Ltd 2018 citisight.com Mobile phone: 13905671550